Monday, February 5, 2007

Monday, Monday

Well here we are at the start of our second week home. Nina had a great time at church with the youth last night. When we got back in the car she told me it was a "good day."

Gideon is still his charming stinker-pot self. Bruce has dubbed him "Little Man" I think I prefer "scally-wag" even though I'm not sure how to spell it. We have had some battles today, but I seem to be growing more immune to them. I mean I am getting less angry with him when his belligerent stubbornness comes out. He is getting better and will now occasionally choose to not disobey us when we tell him something. On the other hand, he is also beginning to look right at us and do the thing he knows he is not supposed to do.

All in all, I think I am starting to find my feet with this new life God has given us. Now I just have to figure out when I am going to work in the time I need to get stuff ready for my responsibilities at church during Lent.

Nina and I will go to the ESL office tomorrow to start the process of getting her in school. Pray that we will have the wisdom to pick the right school and that the people are willing to work with us. Much thanks to those who have checked into this for us, your input has been invaluable.

Pray for Bruce as he is still finding his stride balancing his work and our family. I know he would much rather stay home with us than go to work and the 1 hour commute one way doesn't help. Pray that God will lead us in the right direction as to what we should do about that as well.

Peace of Christ,

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