Thursday, January 18, 2007

Jan 18 one day to go

Howdy Partners!

Well we have one day to go until everything is final. Gideon is doing well. We are going to have a small party for he and his friends this afternoon for his going away. N is also fine but in full blown teenage angst, unfortunately it is all directed at Papa. It is tough to take. She is basically giving him the cold shoulder. I keep checking to see if he has frost bite. We could use some prayers on that front for sure. Sveta is going to talk to her this afternoon. We hope it helps.

I (Lori) am up and moving again. Still not great in the appetite department, but I feel much better.

Tomorrow will be very busy. We already have copies of the court judgement (PTL) and we will set off at 8 in the morning to sign paperwork for birth certificates. Then we will pick up the birth certificates and N, Sveta, and Victor will head off to Berdichiv. We are praying for another passport miracle that they will be able to get N's second passport in one day as well. It is our hope that we will be able to head to Kiev on Saturday.

We have yet to tell you about our favorite Ukrainian TV commercial. First you see this guy wakeboarding. Then they show a girl on a paddle boat (you know the kind where you have pedals that turn the paddles) then they pan out to show that the girl in the paddle boat is actually pulling the guy on the wake board. It is very funny and makesBruce long to go to the lake :-) It is for this cookie called "Super-Kontact"

I guess that about covers it for now. Keep up those prayers. We feel them and know they are carrying us. We love you and miss you all. We are entering the home stretch!


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