Thursday, January 11, 2007

Jan 11, 2007

Greetings friends.
Thank you so much for your kind notes of celebration and encouragement on yesterday's post. I have had a few moments in the last several days where I have thought, "Well, God, I never saw this coming!" It is always an adventure when you let God set the course. I wouldn't have it any other way!

Some of you have asked when the kids will be with us. N is already staying with us because of her age and unique circumstances. It is fun. She loves to play cards and is very competative. [Yes, Oma, dominoes would be a good thing too. And wait till you get her at the hand and foot table!] Her English is improving daily. This morning she read one of Gideon's books with Papa. I don't think she actually comprehended a whole lot but she is doing a good job of sounding out the words! Have I mentioned that she's very smart! Papa and N were playing ball with a stuffed animal last night (Gideon was cranky and Mama was dealing with him) She has a lot of natural athleticism. Papa is already envisioning going to her volleyball and soccer games. Nina has also begun to ask more questions about what life will be life in America.

Gideon will remain at the orphanage until Jan 19th. At that point we can take him whenever it is most convenient for us. {I'm not sure how we would do with all 4 of us in our little hotel room}

Gideon was being a bit of a stinker yesterday, but was much better today. We have been kicked out of our latest play room so we are back to the porch of his room. This is fine except that they are hyper-worried about the kids getting cold. So Gideon has to leave on all of his cold weather gear. He gets so hot! He has usually sweat through the sweatshirt he is wearing by the time we go back inside. I have the feeling that the workers may think we are unfit to be parents since we don't keep him bundled up like a michelin man every second he is not with them. It is frustrating. It is hard to continue to grow the relationship when we are constantly changing the routine and having care givers walk in and out. But the end is in sight!

Okay, some more funny things. There is a TV program over here that is an EXACT copy of 3's Company. We even think they copied some of the scripts. We saw 2 grandpa's riding together on a Vespa (motorscooter). Imagine this for a date. The guy is wearing a suit pedaling a bike. His girl is sitting in front of him riding the bike side sadle in her nice long coat and 4 inch stileto heals. THe guy has 2 fresh fish (like they were breathing in the tank 5 minutes ago) in a plastic bag in his right hand as he steers. (Can you picture it?) To top it all off it was Christmas Eve!

I guess that about covers today's adventures. Hopefully we will have more fun and adventures to post tomorrow.



AnitaH said...

Congratulations! We're sooooo happy for you. We've been through 3 adoptions and know what a blessing it is!

Dan and Anita Hall

Anonymous said...

We are so excited about your family! We love reading your posts!
The girls are hoping that Basketball will be in N's future, too! :)

Phil, Mary,
Karan, and Lauren