Friday, December 29, 2006

Paperwork progress, Dec. 29

Finally, we have heard good news about the paperwork. It has finally come to Bruce's parents and they are getting all of the appropriate official seals placed on it. We should have it by early next week, well before our court date. God is good and His timing is perfect.

Things have been going well here with the Kids. Gideon is getting more and more comfortable with us and seems to be trusting us more and more. This morning with him we got bumped to a couple of different rooms and several other people kept coming into the rooms, including the Director who is Gideon's buddy. However, it did not seem to bother him too much even when he did not get any candy (the Director's and Gideon's favorite bribe) and did not cry at all but continued to interact with us. We are reassured by this.

Nina went with Svetta and Victor to Berdichiv to get her first of three passports. Apparently, because she is 16, she needs to have a Ukrainian passport in her original Ukrainian name; then a Ukrainian passport with her new american name; and then an American passport with her new american name.



Anonymous said...

We just can't wait to meet your new family!! We miss you all & Can't wait until you return home safely!!! Oh!!! Get COPIES of the paperwork just incase!!!! :)

Lot's of love,

Happy New year!!

Ginger, Gina, Rotten, Suzanne & Krista

Anonymous said...

Hi, Lori & Bruce - it is sooo exciting to see how evident it is that God is preparing these kids' hearts to be a part of your family...progress is definitely being made, and, although not easy to wait, Yes, His timing is perfect...
Off to Boar's Head in a few minutes...St. Paul misses you, but rest assured God is providing in every way.

By the way, we have still legos (and probably other boy-related stuff) for Gideon. Can't wait 'til you all come home...

Much Love,

Patty Eiden