Friday, December 15, 2006


We just came from spending time with K. He is so cute and very bright. He is already saying "more" as in give me more food! We hope to be able to see N today but that is up in the air.

It was a good but difficult time with K. When we got there his care givers asked him who was here and he answered "Mama & Papa" we were having a great time until we started to tell him no about things. (No you can't dig in the backpack, no you can't have all the cheerios at once, no stay here with us, etc. typical) We figure that with so many children in his group he probably doesn't have too many boundaries. It will be a challenge to give him those. He is pretty strong will and wants what he wants when he wants it.

While the children seem well fed, they can never get enough food. And you can tell they are used to protecting what they have. Don't come between K and his food! BUT there was another little boy with his adopted parents on the playground with us and K definitely wanted to share his juice and his cheerios with the other boy :-) He is also very fastidious about being clean. Wants to have his hands and face wiped off after he eats.

Some words about Ukraine itself. Today is the first sunny day we have seen. Other than that it has been overcast and rainy/drizzly. Where we are is very flat farm land (Elbert's get out your maps we are in Novagrad-Valensky which is west of Kiev about 2-3 hours) The people are very warm and friendly. The food is also really good. We tend to have a light breakfast in our room, a big lunch, and then a snack supper (Meat, cheese, bread, fruit). We think this is the pattern for most Ukrainians.

The biggest difference (OK maybe not the biggest but the one Bruce feels most keenly) are the beds. They are quite short and always have foot board. This makes it hard for big ole Bruce to stretch out. We figure the mattresses are about 6'3" or 6'4" in length and are rather hard. (The hardness is only a problem for Lori) We are pleased to say that our hotel has hot water all the time and we have a shower in our room. However the shower leaks all over the floor. This seems to be expected so we are just learning to manage.

Viktor is our fabulous driver. He can get his wondrous VW Bus (Punch Buggy Van) any where. He is fearless and is never ruffled no matter the circumstance. The running joke is that all of the dogs keep trying to run out in front of him. He hasn't hit one yet!

Sveta, Viktor's wife, is our translator/facilitator. She is also wonderful and very efficient. She knows exactly how everything should be done which is very good because no one in this region has done a foreign adoption before. She is essentially guiding us and all the town officials through the process.

The big winter holiday over here is January1-7. Everything closes! We are hopeful that we can get a court date early next week so we can be through our waiting period before the 1st. If not we will be stuck here an extra 7 days. I think things on this end look good as long as the paperwork from the US arrives (Have I mentioned I'd like to know where that stands?)

There has been a request for pictures. We are hesitant to put up any on the blog for the safety of the kids. Maybe tomorrow, depending on Internet connection, we will try to email some out to various points of contact. Those people can then email and print to their hearts delight.

On a side note, I have just noticed how much mine and Bruce's English is beginning to sound like Sveta's. Bruce says "When in Rome . . ."

We love you all and miss you very much! Keep those emails and posts coming it helps us feel connected. Prayers are what we need most. We tend to end each day emotionally rung out.

Peace of Christ,
Lori & Bruce


Anonymous said...

Bruce and Lori,
We are so excited. I have spoken with Carla and we are beginning the planning. Just waiting for information and instructions.
We are praying for you all for wisdom, guidance, soft hearts all 'round, ability to trust, facility in the paperwork process and courage.
Much love to you four,

jason and karen said...

Bruce and Lori,

Congratulations...We can't wait to meet your family! We continue to lift up the four of you, other adopting families, as well as the process. Keep up those posts! We love hearing about your family's journey.

God Bless,

Jason, Karen and kids

Anonymous said...

Hey Bruce And Lori!

We Love You and we are praying for you!

Richey Family

Anonymous said...

Bruce & Lori
Congratulations!! What an exciting and emotional journey you both are on. We love reading about your daily adventures. We pray that things continue to progress smoothly.

Kim, Scot & the girls

Anonymous said...

so awesome!!!!!!!!!! i'm so excited for both of you, and for the 2 newest additions to the family! it's ironic- katie's kind of been hoping for another older girl in youth stuff, maybe this is God's answer?
please add me to the e-mail ring-
love to you both. congratulations again!!

Anonymous said...

Bruce & Lori, it's so thrilling to read your updates - I cannot even imagine what this must be like for you, and how emotionally overwhelming it is. I am praying for ALL of you every day - can't wait to see all of you back home. What a journey, and what a Christmas!

Love to you from the bottom of my heart!


Anonymous said...

Lori and Bruce, we are so excited for you. Your writing is so great...I can't wait to see the photos. N and K are so lucky to have found you.

If there's anything we can do...

Erin and Will

Anonymous said...

Lori and Bruce,
This is so exciting to read. I can't imagine the gamut of emotions you experience in every single day. We'll continue to pray for all 4 of you, and others helping with the process.


Kimbell and Mark said...

Lori and Bruce, I'm sure you are overwhelmed with all the stuff you are going through right now. What an awesome wonderful thing you are doing for your 16 year old daughter. WOW! She may not always act like she does appreciate it . . . but that's kinda like how parenting is!!!! We brought our 10 year old daughter home in Feb. It's been wonderful! Wishing you the best - sounds like you have great support at home -that's HUGE!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys,
Congratulations! We are so excited for you and the kids and can't wait to meet them. We are praying that all goes smoothly and that you and your new family are home and settled in record time.
Love to you all,
Christi, Larry, and Spencer :^)

Terri said...

Hey Lorin
We are doing fine. Glad to here that everything is going great for you all too. We have visited with Anna she is warming up to us . Today was much better. But we only seen her for about 45 mint.
Hopefully we will be able to see each other again. When we have the kids.
I was sick after we got here. But feeling better. I don't know if it was something I ate or what.
Then (T) got it too.
Take care Hope to see you soon.
Love Terri , Chris, Nicholas, and (A)