Monday, January 22, 2007

Coming Home

We are now in Kiev and only passports stand between us and coming home so I now will post that N's name is Nina (NEE-na). Gideon loves being with and pestering his big sister.

Here is the news:
We now have a tentative flight home. We do not yet have all the passports finished but we are hopeful that it will happen tomorrow (tues.). Bruce and Nina will go with Sveta and Victor to Zhytomer, then Berdichiv, then Zhytomer and then back to Kiev. IF we get all the passports we have an appointment at the embassy at 11:30 am on Wednesdays. Both kids will have to have their medicals early that morning. Nina's will probably be more extensive because of her age. If all goes well tomorrow we will confirm the flights we reserved this morning. That Means . . . we will arrive at the airport on Friday -- check with family or the church for the time.

Obviously we were not able to complete all the passport things on Saturday but they should be done tomorrow. We checked out of the hotel around 11:45 on Saturday. Nina was ready to go at 10 am. She was very anxious/excited about leaving. We then went to the orphanage to get Gideon. They did not tell him he was leaving forever in hopes that he would not be freaked out by the car ride. All of his care givers lined up see him off. You could tell they were happy for him but were sad to see him go. We dressed him in his new clothes and then he ran into the bathroom to show his friends and kiss them all. We then headed out to Victor's van. The minute he was sure we were getting in, he began to cry and it took him an 1:10 to stop. He then just laid in my arms sort of listless until we got to Kiev, at which time he began to cry again. The Boy does not like being in the car, luckily it doesn't make him sick.

We went to church yesterday. Nina and Galla to a Ukrainian service and Papa, Mama and Gideon to an English one. I cannot tell you how good it was to be able to worship with understanding again. The service was very similar to the 9:00 at St Paul, but more extended. it was scheduled to be 2 hours but was only 1:30. Gideon was great through the singing and listened very intently. By the time for the preaching he had to go to the bathroom, so he and mama slipped out and let Papa listen to the sermon undisturbed. I (Lori) cried through a lot of the music. It was as if God reached down and said, I will carry you through all that is ahead. I am faithful. I could cry now remembering.

Today we have been out running around. It has been a good day. Nina seems to be warming back up to us and to Bruce. She does not like to be alone with him, but we are taking baby steps. Hopefully tomorrow will help. Gideon is doing better with the car rides, but it is still hard on him and anyone riding with him.
I'm not sure if we will get back to the internet before we leave. If you don't here from us, assume that plans won't change. If they do we will let you know. We love you all.
It seemed unreal when we finally got to come and now it seems unreal that we are finally coming home. Praise God we are finally coming home.

Pray for Bruce, he may have the roughest transistion because he has to be back at work on Monday. Pray for all of us for patience, love and understanding. our prayer has been that God will bind us together.

Please let Mandy E know we are praying for her daily. When she is up to it, I will bring the kids by.

Peace of Christ,BLN&G


Terri said...

Hi Lori,
It is good that you all will be home soon. Please let us know so that we can meet you at the airport. You can email us and I can give you our number when you get to Mich airport. I hope and pray that you all don't have any trouble at Mich airport like we did. We missed our flight because they were backed up with 3 other planes, We will be praying for you all. Good luck at the airport. Can't wait to see you all soon.
Your friends , Terri,Chris, Nicholas, and Anna

Anonymous said...

Lori and Bruce,
We are so excited for you! Our players are with you and may the Lord continue to bless you!

Phil, Mary, Karan, and Lauren