Friday, January 5, 2007

Title: Thunder over Novagrad-Volensky
We were treated to another fireworks display last night. There were a couple of young men who had set up in front of the hotel apparently as part of a party that was going on in the resturant. They put on a pretty good show complete with music and coordinated firings. It was fun to watch and we had a great view from our window. Of course it was just us and 30 of our friends as opposed to us and half a million of our friends. And you would never go to thunder of Louisville in your PJ's. Okay some of you might, but we wouldn't.
Gideon is great! He has determined that my (Lori's) lap is his territory and now spends a good portion of our visits sitting there. He is also jealous when Papa picks up one of the other kids from his group. He was given an apple this morning and ate the whole thing -- I mean all of it. I felt lucky that I managed to get the stem away from him before he ate that too! Poor little guy was having some gas pains this morning :-( We now know that he can be quite pitiful when he feels bad. He did let me carry him back his room from our play room. He only wanted down when we got to the door of his room. It made Mama happy! He is such a cutey! [Have I mentioned that there are some real cuties in his group too? Little boys with eyes that sparkle and grins that would steal your heart!]
We expect Nina back tomorrow. We are looking forward to seeing her. We have missed her very much!
We did have a difference of opinion with some of the caregivers/workers at the orphanage last night. Gideon was in trouble because he had drawn on the desk and then hit me (hit at me might be more accurate), so he was in time out in my lap. He was beginning to wind down and it would have been over in another minute or two but one of his buddies, Dada (Ukrainian for Uncle -- all men are Dada) came in, apparently told Gideon he needed to shape up and then gave him 5 yes FIVE pieces of candy! On his heels was the Babboshka who also gave him a stern talking to and then proceeded to put his coat on him and take him back to his room so that he could go to the bathroom! We didn't know if she would bring him back or not, but just as I was about to go look for them, they came around the corner. We were so frustrated! Who gives a 3 year old 5 pieces of candy at once?! I mean a large piece of chocolate and 4 hard candies! He had already bamboozaled the secretaries out of 3 large chocolates that morning! ARGH! And of course he wanted all the candy RIGHT NOW! We had another tussled over my not handing them all over when he got back from the bathroom. I've never seen anyone eat hard candy so fast. Man do we have some battles ahead ;-) So for at least the next 6 months there will be no candy in our house. It will take us a while to break him of the habit. Thankfully he eats all food with just as must gusto as he does candy -- he just prefers the candy.
Well that's all for now from the exciting Elbert adventures!
We love and miss each one of you.
Lantz, I am so proud of you! Will you be able to fix my speeding tickets now?

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