Sorry for the long silence. Internet in Novagrad-volinisky is VERY SLOW so sometimes we can get things out and sometimes we can't
Things with the kids seem to be going well. N seems very happy to be with us. She is beginning to talk about herself a little (through Sveta) and we are able to communicate about the basics. (We are leaving at this time, are you hungry, etc.) Her favorite color seems to be pink, but she likes darker more subdued colors. Truthfully I don't think she had ever thought about her favorite anything before we began to ask. She seems to be just an average 16 year old. We've detected no attitude problems at this point and she seems willing to be within whatever boundaries we are setting. (We'll see how long that lasts :-) She also seems to want to spend time with us (We'll see how long that lasts too) We have spent a couple of afternoons playing crazy eights (cards). Oma Kay, she loves to play cards and is very fast. As soon as her English is better we will learn more games! (Imagine trying to explain a wild card to someone who doesn't speak English). She also like to hike in the mountains and the forest, is interested in photography and Soccer!
We still haven't had a chance to measure anyone. N is between 5' and 5'2" she might weigh 100 lbs soaking wet. She has a very petite frame. K hits Bruce about mid thigh and probably weighs less that 30 lbs ( I know he is less that N. Temple). We will try to get measurements to you soon.
K is also warming up to us. He is always happy to see us and has the best smile (just like his sister). He likes toys that make music and things he can take apart and put together. He is proud to say we are his Mama and Papa but doesn't like to kiss Bruce because of the beard :-) He contemplated shaving it, but then K would have to get to know him all over again. (And it is keeping his face warm) He no longer cries or needs assurance from the caregivers when he is with us. He will choose to sit in my (Lori's) lap, but only for a short time. He has even allowed me to hold and rock him once. He will allow me to place food in his mouth and will let Bruce or I hold his juice or food for him. All of these are good signs of building trust and bonding. While he is content to play in our presence, he doesn't yet want to interact with us that much. I am trying to draw him into some singing games with me, but as of yet, no luck.
Opa, I would love some input on what you think of the bonding with K so far.
The weather has returned to gray and rainy. Today we are in the B town (see previous blog for name) to try to get N's paper work together. The director of her boarding school/orphanage wanted to see her and make sure going with us was what she really wanted. She had to write a letter stating her intentions and have it witnessed. She also had to have several blood tests made and get a full physical. She is doing that while we are using the internet.
There have been some questions about what we need so I will put a few ideas here. Please coordinate with either Karla or the Elberts.
Neither kid needs a heavy coat, N has one. We will get K one.
N will need a dresser, alarm clock, maybe a small jam box that plays CD's
K would love lego's, lincoln logs, blocks or stacking cup type toys. Puzzles would also be great.
Clothes of course but as I said before, we will have to send measurements later (and they may be metric)
We understand there is a school that specializes in English as a second language. If anyone know specifics we would appreciate hearing from you. We figure N will have to spend the rest of this school year mastering English and it may cost her a year (or two) in school. We will see.
Keep praying for the U.S. paperwork! We cannot have our court date until it gets here. We anticipate that we will be waiting out the Ukrainian winter holiday so that would put us back home more towards the middle of January. The only way to avoid it would to have a court date tomorrow and that would be a miracle in itself.
That's all for now. Keep those emails and posts coming. We read them very eagerly.
Jimbo & Bebel, I hope the 9:00 service went well. I thought about you while we were at a Russian Baptist service (2 hours with 3 sermons :-)
We love and miss you all.
Peace of Christ,
Lori & Bruce
Monday, December 18, 2006
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Hey guys, we are so excited to hear how things are going. Service went very well, Lori, your work definitely made you present with us.
Suggestion for interaction with K, find a ball. Throwing, catching, and kicking is much more fun with 2 or 3.
Lori & Bruce,
We are so excited and happy for you four. You are in our prayers and we eagerly await meeting your children. What a wonderful Christmas gift for you all. God is good and will continue to pave the way for your return. Thanks for keeping us posted and letting us share in your joy!
Vance, Anita and family.
Keep the posts coming we love hearing all the details of your journey.
Your children sound beautiful.
What a blessing
Lori & Bruce,
I may be able to help with leg work on an ESL school. I'm having dinner with a principal friend of mine tomorrow night, and I'll see what she says. I know a few language teachers within JCPS, and an ESL coordinator in Oldham County, so these may be some good connections for you.
You remain in our prayers!
Bruce and Lori-Wow Wee! I just caught up with all of the news! Thanks for sharing! We are thinking of you and praying for you and can't wait to see you as a family! How exciting! I told Julia and Maggie that they will soon have new church friends! We are hoping everything continues to move along...
Carrie & Rob
I am so excited to meet my new niece and nephew. Another teenage girl at the Frio will be wonderful !! Chantz is already planned everything he is going to show M at the Frio. I have wanted to be a aunt for a long time and now I will have double duty and can not wait. Remember how much we love all of you and can not wait to have you home safely.
Aunt Amy, Uncle Lantz and Chantz
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