Saturday, December 30, 2006


God works miracles in paper!

Not only is our paperwork on its way here from the US, but N got her passport in 1 (ONE) day. That may not sound amazing, but it normally takes 2 MONTHS to get your passport here. God went before Sveta and N and softened the heart of one of the officials who was willing to do everything in one day. IT IS A MIRACLE!

The kids are doing well. Sveta gives high praise for N as she learns English. Gideon is almost too cute to bear. (And he knows it!) I think we are actually adopting Curious George, he gets himself into trouble and then does something good and cute and if your're not careful, you find yourself forgetting about the trouble he was in. (This seems very true for his caregivers.) At lunch, Bruce and I decided that being cute may be the only thing that will keep him alive. God knows what he was doing when he made preschoolers cute. Really he is a good boy who likes to please and likes to help, he's just 3.

Please pray for Sveta she is feeling ill. Seems to be a cold or flu type deal.

Well thats it for today. Coming soon a list of some of the funniest things we've seen over here.



Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your daily updates. If you need anything let us know.

Dr. Barnes

Karen H said...

Dear Lori and Bruce, I have been reading your entries but didn't want to clog up your email with lots of responses. Thank you for your faithfulness to us back home. I am so glad to repeatedly read that you are not afraid to discipline when it is needed. I think that will be so valuable later. BEing willing to stand by the tough choices, even when it was hard, was the only thing that kept us going. Your children sound just wonderful. "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6. With much love, Karen

Anonymous said...

We are so glad that your paperwork is finally on the way. I have to agree with you when you said that God knew what he was doing by making preschoolers so cute! There are times you just have to turn your head and laugh even though you know deep down inside you shouldn't!! Both of your are going to make great parents.

Take care and continue to post! We all enjoy reading about your adventures.

Kim & Scot

Terri said...

Lori hey Were happy that things are going great for you guys. God is Great. We might get to have Anna on Tuesday. Hope to see you soon. I hope your Sveta gets well soon. I know I have been sick too here. I have some typ of cold right now.
We hope to see you all soon in Keivy. And also Kristi and Tad Kristi I can't get on your all blog.
Anna is doing great. She is warming up to us too. She wanted to hold my hand today to walk to one of the swings.
Lori I am glad things are moving for you all.
Take care hope to see you soon.