Not much new to tell y'all today. N seems to continue to enjoy our company and has discovered our video games! (Much thanks to Ian and Evan W.) She learned yatzee in about 3 games (impressive since it is all in English) She is also enjoying the Harry Potter game we brought.
K (from hence forth known as Gideon) is also settling in with us. We had a pretty good visit with him this morning. He enjoyed showing off his cup of juice to his friends. All was going well until the director came in. Gideon is used to getting candy from him (and every other man) The director didn't have candy so they went and got a BOX OF CHOCOLATES!!! Which they proceeded to let him open and then set the whole box down in front of him. He was totally prepared to eat the whole box (probably 24 pieces or so) in 3 seconds flat. We managed to keep him down to just 2. We were a little frustrated and he was completely wound up from that point on. But it gave us the chance to enforce some boundaries so he will learn that no means no.
Did I mention Gideon doesn't like to be carried?
We are trying to get all of the paperwork together. Sveta is scurrying around lot trying to pull it all together. All of N's is together and all her medical workup is done. Today Sveta is trying to get Gideon's together and several of the papers weren't done yet or weren't done right. She is hoping to talk to the judge today to set forth all of our issues and get a court date set. We are praying for much mercy from the judge. Worse case is that we will have to have 2 trials one here and one in Berdichiv. Sveta said that our best hope for a court date is Friday or Monday. That means that we are definitely caught by the holiday unless the judge figures some way for us to get our papers during the holidays (fat chance!). Oh well, its all God's timing.
The director of N's boarding school doesn't seem to care much for N or us. Sveta said if she could find a way to stop the adoption she would, but her (the director's) hands are tied. That would be the system working for us. Everyone else has been very kind and warm and ready to help N and us. The Director in B is your stereotypical Russian/Ukrainian Bureaucrat.
After 2 days of rain the sun just came back out again. I have been singing "O the sun shines bright in my old Kentucky home." in my head while the rain falls in Ukraine. It is good to see the sun! I am also beginning to tire of the same 6 articles of clothing. It is sobering to think that I packed more clothes than many people here even own.
I guess that's all for now. We love and miss everyone. Happy week before Christmas!!!!
Peace of Christ.
B, L, N, & G
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
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It sounds like things are going pretty well for you! It is neat to hear about how smart they are. I'm glad you get to visit frequently with them as you work on / wait for the paperwork.
I was just reading your post and thinking about what a culture shock it is going to be for them when they get here. We are so wealthy here compared to what they seem to be used to. I bet they will be stunned when they go into our grocery stores or malls!
We went to Tom and Cheryl's today; you were missed!
Hey guys! Just figured I would drop you a note to let you know we are thinking of you. I just realized that your daughter is old enough to drive. So have you decided what kind of car you are going to get N? :-)
List of a couple things that has happend while you have been away:
1) UK vs UL game ended in a tie. 93-93
2) James Bond was a flop and they are not going to make any new movies.
3) UK hired Petrino as head basketball coach.
4) Gas is $.78/gal
5) Bush has decided to run for Vice President with Hillary.
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